Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

embrace the world

Maybe.... i'm not the rich people in this entire world.I might be not the one to have the great happiness like the others.But,i can imagine that there must be a good life for me one day in outside,so i take that hope in dream.I can't stay silent to think and always think without make something usefull.But,i use the expressions from the success people maybe they're an entrepeneur,precenters,authors,scientist,artist,actor,etc.We can embrace the world by follow their trail.Like the famous band linkin park saying:
and the shadow of the day will embrace the world in gray
and the sun will set for you.
linkin park
Some other people might be have an opportunity to see the world like exactly what it is.whether it's from the good side or from the bad side.This world,you know will be very dangerous to our life if we can't manage the resources inside,is it natural,human,things,or whatever it will be.

But if you are a positive thinker,there must be  ways for you to embrace the world.Nothing is impossible in this life.

My experience of the success people in this world,that they can't stop dreaming.Every moment is precious.And if we regret now,it will be useless to us for seeing the world what it's look like.

So,i decided that  i must embrace the world eventhough i don't know when,but the signs begin to appear.

source image: http://ih1.redbubble.net/work.156320.11.flat,550x550,075,f.embrace-the-world.jpg

Penghijauan sesungguhnya penting

Penghijauan sangat penting dalam hidup bersosial dan berkomunitas dalam lingkungan bermasyarakat.
Indonesia salah satu contoh yang baik dalam keanekaragaman sumber daya alamnya.Akan tetapi,sekarang sudah banyak yang tidak menyadari keindahan alam itu lagi.Seolah-olah nilai estetika itu tidak ada dalam diri masing-masing manusia di bumi dan tidak hanyadi Indonesia saja.Negara berkembang juga justru banyak yang kurang peduli dengan penghijauan.Terutama negara yang mempunyai nilai industri yang sangat besar.

Sehingga mengakibatkan polusi yang bisa membahayakan hidup.Oleh karena itu.marilah kita menjaga keasrian lingkungan dan membuat penghijauan yang dimulai dari sederhana sehingga bisa membangun keindahan alam sekitar kembali.